Breastfeeding & Weaning

Breastmilk contains nutrients, baby needs for growth and development and protects baby against infections and diseases.

Breastfeeding is free and convenient and can promote bonding between Mother and baby. It’s recommended that breastfeed exclusively until baby starts solid foods at around 6 months and keep breastfeeding until at least 12 months.

Caring for newborn baby is undoubtedly an overwhelming task for a new mother and the family.

breastfeeding & weaning consultation in kharghar navi mumbai

Paediatrician makes sure us to learn everything, we need to know about newborn care.

Breastfeeding (Question & Answer)

  • Every 1½ to 3 hours for the first month (8 to 12 times per day).
  • During the day, wake baby up if more than 3 hours have passed since the last feeding. ( don’t feed if child is sleeping).
  • During the night, wake baby up if more than 4 hours pass without a feeding.
  • After 1 month of age, allow your baby to sleep longer. If baby is gaining weight well, feed on demand and do not awaken for feedings.
  • Stools: 3 or more yellow seedy stools per day. Exception: 1 or 2 can be normal while the milk is coming in. Stools should start increasing by day 5 of life.
    Caution: Once the milk is in, infrequent stools are not normal. However, it can become normal after 4 weeks of age.
  • Urine: 6 or more wet diapers per day. Exception: 3 wet diapers per day can be normal while milk is coming in.
    Wet diapers should start increasing by day 5 of life.
  • Satisfied (not hungry) after feedings
  • Breasts feel full before feedings and soft after feedings
  • It is very important that baby is latched on right. This way baby can get enough milk. Look and listen for regular swallowing. This shows that your milk has letdown. Letdown is the release of breastmilk into the milk ducts just before a feeding. It starts after 2 to 3 weeks of nursing. At first, milk letdown may take 60 to 90 seconds of sucking before it starts.
  • Don’t offer baby any bottles of formula before 3 to 4 weeks old. Reason: It will interfere with creating a good milk supply.
  • There are some exceptions. Medical indications to prevent dehydration or severe jaundice include the following:
  • The milk is not in (day 2 – 4) and baby is very hungry (especially preterms)
  • Not enough wet or soiled diapers or
  • baby is quite jaundiced. Reason: Prevents dehydration.
  • After every breastfeeding for 1 or 2 days, give expressed breastmilk or formula. Give 1 ounce (30 mL) at a time. Also, see your child’s doctor within 24 hours for a weight check.
  • Never give extra water to infants younger than 6 months. Reason: Too much water can cause a seizure.
  • It’s not needed. Reason: Breast milk contains 88% water.
  • If your baby gets enough breast milk, extra fluids are not needed. They may decrease your baby’s interest and ability to breastfeed.
  • It’s best to take medicine at the end of a feeding. Reason: It will be out of body system by the next feeding.
  • Do not use decongestants. They can reduce milk production in some mothers.
  • Do not use aspirin because of a small risk for Reye syndrome.
  • Allergy medicines for allergy symptoms are OK during breastfeeding. Long-acting allergy medicines (such as Zyrtec) are preferred. Do not use combination products with decongestants.
  • Birth control pills can decrease milk volume. Make sure that milk supply is well established (6 weeks or more) before starting. If decide to use birth control, consult your doctor first.
  • It is best not to use tobacco. Generally, the benefit of giving baby breast milk outweighs tobacco risks.
  • The nicotine and its byproducts pass into the breast milk. This may cause baby not to sleep well and increase the heart rate. It can also cause loose stools. Heavy tobacco use (over ½ pack per day) can decrease milk supply. It may also affect letdown.
  • Do not smoke around your baby.
  • Do not stop breastfeeding for vomiting, spitting up, diarrhea, cough, or jaundice.
  • Keep breastfeeding when possible.
  • Try to prevent the spread of infection by good hand washing. Do this after blowing your nose (for colds) or after stools (for diarrhea).
  • There are few medical conditions in the mother when breastfeeding is not advised. Some of these are AIDS, Herpes simplex rash (fever blisters) on the nipple/areola, drug abuse and tuberculosis. Talk with your doctor.
  • Fever Blisters on Mom’s Mouth. Fever blisters (cold sores) on the lips are caused by the herpes virus. Herpes can cause serious infections in young babies. It’s safe to continue breastfeeding if they are on your (mom’s) lips. But avoid kissing or nuzzling your baby until fever blisters are completely dried up.
  • Freshly pumped breast milk can be stored for 5 days in a refrigerator.
  • Frozen breast milk can be kept 3-4 months in a refrigerator freezer. It can be kept 6-12 months in a deep freezer. If ice cream is solidly frozen, the temperature is fine.
  • To thaw frozen milk, put the bag of breast milk in the refrigerator. It will take a few hours to thaw.
  • For quicker thawing, place it in a pan of warm water. Do this until it has warmed up to the temperature baby likes. Never warm it up in a microwave or boiling water. This would destroy the protective antibodies.
  • After thawing, breast milk can be kept safely in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Do not refreeze.
  • After feeding baby, throw out any remaining milk in the bottle. This milk should be discarded after 1 hour.
  • Do not have to burp baby. Burping is an option, but not needed.
  • It is not harmful if a baby doesn’t burp.
  • Burping can lessen spitting up, but it doesn’t decrease crying.
  • Burping can be done twice per feeding, once midway and once at the end.
  • If the baby does not burp after 1 minute of patting, it can be stopped.
  • baby’s reaction will be to pull away from the breast. Baby may cry, cough or even choke.
  • Stop the feeding and let your baby recover.
  • Pausing and burping more often may help.
  • Prevention: The overactive letdown often occurs in mothers who pump often. So, finish one side all the way. Then only pump the other side enough to get rid of any pain.
  • Baby has trouble latching on
  • Baby does not have a strong suck
  • Baby acts hungry after most feeds
  • Baby is not acting normal
  • Breastfeeding is painful
  • If we think child needs to be seen
  • If we have other questions about breastfeeding