All Vaccination / Immunisation

Immunisation is the best from of protection that we can give to our child.

Thinking out which vaccines and vaccinations child needs and when to get them is overwhelming for any parent.

We ensure that child is up to date on all of their required injections.


Immunizations and vaccinations help protect child against some of the most harmful diseases around.

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As avid proponents of routine immunizations, Paediatrician ensures that child is up to date on all of his or her essential injections.

Vaccination/Immunisation (Question & Answer)


The way immune system starts building up antibodies to fight. The terms “immunizations,” “vaccines,” and “vaccinations” are often used interchangeably.

Immunization is the technical term that describes the process body goes through to build strength and prevent specific harmful organisms. Vaccines/vaccinations ultimately immunize body against a particular disease.

Not necessarily.

It’s normal for children to have minor reactions to shots. child may experience:

If young one gets the chicken pox or MMR vaccine, they could develop a mild rash about a week or two after getting the injection.

This is completely normal sign that your child’s body is building up immunity to the foreign organisms.

Serious reactions to vaccines and vaccinations are rare, but if child has difficulty breathing or a severe rash go to hospital.

  • Redness or swelling at the injection site
  • Stiffness or soreness
  • A mild fever
  • Mild joint pain
  • Poor appetite
  • Crankiness or moodiness

Getting an immunization protects your body against a disease. Become immunized when get a vaccine or vaccination. A vaccine helps body, become immune to a particular disease, or strain of diseases.

A vaccination occurs when your doctor injects a destroyed or weakened organism into your body.

Immune system immediately starts building up antibodies, forcing your body to become immune to the disease-causing organism.

Note:-Being immunized doesn’t mean you won’t get sick, but it does mean that your body has what it needs to fight off the harmful organism.

Child is given immunizations shortly after birth whichinclude BCG, Oral polio vaccine and Hepatitis B vaccine. Usually, for child’s first two years of life, they get a series of vaccines and vaccinations.

By age six, your child needs fewer immunizations, while your teenager is introduced to an entirely new set of immunization requirements. Throughout child’s life, and often throughout adulthood, child needs boosters for certain vaccines and vaccinations.

Paediatrician documents everything on a schedule, so you know exactly when should get started and how often need to visit doctor.


Paediatrician follow immunization guidelines set forth by the Indian academy of Paediatrics and the American Academy of Paediatrics. These organizations have spent decades researching and evaluating various types of immunizations to ensure that they’re safe and effective.

Parents often ask if immunization injections can make their child sick. In some cases, yes. But the risk of suffering from a life-threatening disease is higher than the minor risks associated with immunizations, such as feeling sick or allergic reactions.

When we keep our child updated on essential immunizations, the risk of contracting certain diseases decreases drastically. As children start falling behind on vaccines, diseases start showing up again, causing outbreaks.

That’s why measles, chicken pox and jaundice still shows up every once in a while.

The cost of getting a routine vaccine or vaccination is far less than treating a disease.

Plus many schools, sports teams, and extracurricular activities require that child is up to date on shots before participating.

Immunizations and vaccinations help & protect child against some of the most harmful diseases around, but thinking out which vaccines and immunizations child needs and when to get them is overwhelming for any parent. As avid proponents of routine immunizations Paediatricians ensures that child is up to date on all of his or her essential injections.